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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. israel's defense minister says israel has no choice but to act in rough up the is really army is urging residents of the city and southern gaza to lead as soon as possible. this after talks and egypt ended with us without a ceasefire between israel and some also coming up, china is president, makes his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. teaching ping is in france for talks with president my call, and the leaders will try to hire no trade tensions and discuss the wars and ukraine and the middle of the
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hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. israel's army is calling on residents of guys is southern city, a proper to evacuate to a humanitarian area. israel's defense minister says military action in rafa is necessary because from us is refusing truths proposals that would free hostages held in garza palestinian spin. rough as east had been told to go to the l. my was the refugee camp near con eunice. a senior home us official has called a, a dangerous escalation. there's been growing international alarm over an assault in rough on more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering there since war broke out after the october 7th terror attacks. by some us these displeased will athenians and drop off again preparing to move, as well as they have received orders from the is riley army to leave the eastern
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part of the city. yeah, i remember what i can let us know. we have no shelter, no food, no walter, none of that. we were promised by the israeli army and the international community that rough i wouldn't be protected. and that's why we came here. but i regret to say they've told us to evacuate, or we'll say something that no one wishes to face with us. where am i to go when i don't have money or anything? i'm so tired to me and the children who are with me, where are we to go? those riley miller trees say is it, is it a bit creating a 100000 people from eastern drop off. they are being told to go to the low. i'll see who many dating area shown here and read his right and say, is, it has now expended the soon to handle the influx otherwise describes as rough as the last significant, how mazda and stronghold after 7 months, so far. good by the october 7th,
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dec drop law has been targeted by his riley added strikes. but there is no growing international consent. well, what a ground does on aid groups say that would be catastrophic for the more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering in the city. for more on this, i'm joined now here in the studio by carl scowl, who's the deputy executive director of the world food program. one of the main organizations delivering live saving aid to gaza. thank you very much for being with us today. now the cease fire talks have still old again. hum us has fired rockets is really positions killing several israeli soldiers is real analysis. we'll go ahead with its assault on rough. uh, what do you make of these latest developments? what are the implications for the humanitarian situation? and guns where we are of course, extremely concerned about these latest developments, not least for the civilians that are in that fight at the moment,
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more than half of the population more than 1000000 people isn't guy so. so, you know, it is 1st and foremost are concerned for, for those civilians. if this operation goes ahead. but secondly, of course, we all assume that it turns operate out of gas time. we've been using hon. uh, cut them shut on as the main entry point into gas so so also the implications for our human and tyrant operation risk being here, which in this was at the moment where we were beginning to get more access where we're beginning to get some traction in our efforts to push back on the filing not least in the north of so this risks to bring us back basically when we were about to make some progress on, on the unit time from. so definitely a set back. what are you hearing from your colleagues in gaza right now about the situation on the ground there? while of course, extremely concerned again, we are also looking at how we can move our staff and our warehouses and our vehicle
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. some facility is uh, further up north at the moment though we had already begun to do so over the past few weeks so that we can continue to keep our operations up and running. you know, we have been able to reach about a 1000000 people a month during this crisis. thanks to support from donors like, uh, germany and again we were about to step up that support not least in the north where we have seen, you know, the most severe and needs. and so, you know, we were hoping that we would rather see a cease fire so that we can scale up further reaching, you know, beyond the 1000000 up to 2000000 people a month and not least those most vulnerable up in the north. instead, we've seen these rocket attacks is really soldiers killed, border crossings closed instead of being opening, sort of opening a israel says it's doing everything in his power to prevent civilian casualties is based on what you've been seeing and hearing. would you say that israel has indeed
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taken all measures necessary to protect civilians? i mean, looking at about 5 more specifically. i visit as alpha. i mean it's a place that has jammed within turn. a new displays, people everywhere. they are camping on the streets, the sidewalks schools, any public building has been overtaken as a shelter. and so it's very difficult to say and then trump ration in that urban environment, the tests and also have a civilian cache. it though, so again, we are stream li, concerned about that and we are stream to concerned beyond the as i mentioned, we had been in the past 3 weeks. been able to get into the north. and we have opened some 16 bakers across the strip at only the past week were able to use also the northern crossing edits crossing into the site. and so again, we were able to see some traction. what we would hope for it was to rather now be able to diversify our assistance, not only food, but going to also nutrition supplement. those restocking some of the health centers
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because that's also needed, not least with the most managed attrition vulnerable children. but they're getting a extremely the concerning developments overnight. your executive director at, at the world food program cindy mccain. she says that there's a quote, full blown fireman in the north of guys. or can you tell us how many people there have actually perished for lack of food or, or suffering from the nutrition? we don't have that exact data because also surveys are difficult to do, not least in the north where the situation is the worse. and we don't make that formal declaration, it's done through a scientific rigorous process. but what we can point to is finding like conditions in parts of northern godsa when we have now had new access to certain areas, people are climbing out of the rubble and extremely weak. and we've also seen children who have hunger relate to this or have died from hunger related diseases. and so at, you know, we have family like conditions and at we had been able to open up for bakers in the
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know worse than in the past 2 weeks. only, and you know, being able to bring people bread and for the 1st time in 6 months, it's not only important for the food that it carries, but also for a psychological impact. bred is a key element for the palestinian people. so there was also some element of hope there, and i have just really hope that we can continue to build on that, that progress that was made and that it's not reverse with his nights development call. thank you very much for talking with us. that was call scale deputy executive director of the world food program. thank you for having the french press. emanuel michael has met with teaching ping in paris as the chinese leader kicks off on official state visit to france. it's the 1st stop on a tour of europe that will include visits to hungry and serbia. it's been 5 years since she's last trip to europe is visit comes at
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a time of growing trade. tensions. the 2 presidents were later joined by european commission, present worth left on that lion sheet and my call and stress the importance of a level playing field for business and for trade conditions between china and euro will. later in the week, the chinese leader will continue on to serbia and hungry to countries that are seen as closer to beijing. you leaders are divided over how to deal with china mid it's growing influence and economic mind. the eiffel towers the same, but china, his relationship with the west has changed since using ping last visited europe in 2019. the cobra tends to make spacings packing from russia's ukraine war. it's growing all far as heritage and trade tensions of electric vehicles, subsidies and suspicions of wide scale chinese espionage and your pin capitals of complicated relations. this is the phone. what this visit is,
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the 1st by china is head of state. so to europe, in the past 5 years, to tell you that was of great significance to promoting chinese relationships with bronze. uh, so it'd be a hungry one. and the overall development of the china, your relationship, you always should, you will be in part to seem to know china's economic muscle and growing global influence. i've left your up, divide these on how to deal with beijing. she will be happy to exploit those divisions is the content and struggles to define his role between the united states and china. in paris, he in front is a monday will not kron. we'll talk of a trade in investments and the middle east, macro names to drum up business with french firms, convince she not to get further involved in russia's war and ukraine. frances sees she's visit, which officially mark 60 is a french chinese diplomatic relations. as an impulse and diplomatic moments and wants to focus on china is broader relations with the you. my chrome is invited, you are paying commission, present us left on the line to the talks of to friends. she will have to. so it'd
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be a photographer with presidents. how big's on the boot kitchen? i know, sorry terry and strong, but allow your brushes. vladimir putin cheese last stop is hungry to meet with prime minister victo all about hungry wants to deepen diplomatic and trade ties with all talk receives, such as russia and china. the states on easy with its a u and they to membership so that they may have quoted and castle long shadow over the visits she and to, to describe that relationship as without limits by visiting like minded hungry. and so it'd be a, china is testing the use balancing act between beijing and brussels. earlier i spoke to our correspondent and parents, lisa lewis. she told me more about the talks taking place in paris today as well. as you said, basically this has been talking about the need for more cooperation between china and the west when it comes to international conflicts in mind. my call has been
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saying at that at europe also needed a level playing field with chinese china seed. same thing saying that this is a strategic relationship between china and from china, and b, e, u. this comes, as you said, after weeks or months of tensions when it comes to the commercial for license of the trade license a to see a in europe and china. europe is threatening to increase terrace on chinese electric vehicles as it suspects that the chinese government is providing state subsidies for the sector and aging in retaliation is looking into maybe a imposing of duties levies on a liquor coming from europe. and that would mostly hate friends con, yet, so these to meet as we'll be talking about, that they will also be talking about international conflicts,
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especially in ukraine. the one in ukraine with him on my call of a friend sweet of believe that a china can play a crucial role in ending the war. it talk to us more about that lisa, cuz china says it's neutral regarding the ukraine conflict. and yet, it's a deliberate supplies to russia that are said to be used to support its war effort . and ukraine does not allow me because really expect to persuade john his present to shift his position on russia and ukraine as well. it's going to be a long shot seat. same thing has cold blooded met, poochie and the russian leda, his best friend in the past. it's the, the relationship between russia and china is a strategic relationship pollutant is expected in china later this month. and as you said, china has been rob direct to send to outright, to condemn the russian aggression in ukraine. obviously, i'm on a call. i still hoping that he,
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that seats him being will shift his position at least a little bit. also, given that china is interested in a good trade relations with europe, i'm not by convince him to at least maybe change somehow his policy on delivering you will use equipment that can be used in russia to provide weapons, to produce weapons for the aggression in ukraine. so thank you very much. that was our correspond at least louis in paris. the you are watching the, the unit is coming to live from berlin. before we go, just reminder of the top story we're following for you this our israel's army has called on people in rough to move to a so called humanitarian area ahead of and then to to pay that a sold on that city in southern gaza. israel says the assault is key to eliminating some us, but it has triggered widespread global alarm. more than a 1000000 people have been sheltering in. been wrapped up in some
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of the decks. are we've got an interview for you asking the head of the german chemicals company biased how it's dealing with lawsuits worth hundreds of millions of dollars on terry martin. the 1st into are, is whenever they feel like it's kind of the sinus session and pain. most the pieces in the sky, the best have most and many on including the knowledge of the volume the how do they do in the secret life
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